3.9.09 | |

I have the worst head cold/allergies/whatever the hell this is, of life. One moment I'll be stuffed up, the next I'll be ok...then a few hours will pass and it all happens again. UGHH.

Cell pics!

So this one time, Christen and I were driving to Brampton...oh wait, no no, we THOUGHT we were driving to Brampton...but, in reality, we were driving to Scarborough. We both have a great sense of direction.

I was watching Christens' grandma's first it was going well, since I had it on a leash...then it managed to slip out of the leash and run free all over the neighbourhood. 6 hours passed and it was still frolicking around. We tried everything, well except meowing. The second I started meowing at it, it ran inside? WTF.

Steve pretending to be security. It was 3am, we were drunk. Steve was being a slushie nazi saying we had to share one. I guess it was a smart idea since we forgot about it when we got in.


23.8.09 | |

I've been listening to this band called "Land of Kush" recently. Of course, it's an assembled orchestra but who really puts a limit on band members anymore. The more instruments, the more craziness for your ears. I always kind of wonder about bands with so many they even get paid?
The songs are also ridiculously long, some around 14-21 minutes. Which is great, more to love!

On another 'music' related note, I can hear my dog snoring. Not as enjoyable. 


8.8.09 | |

AUG 04


12.7.09 | |

I'm in a really crappy mood today. You know those days where you just don't know where your life is going, and feel super disorganized and shitty about everything. That's me! I think I am just overwhelmed with all of the changes that are going to happen in the next two months. It's kind of scary thinking about it all.

On that note, I really really really really really really need to clean my room. I seriously have so much stuff and my room isn't big enough to hold it all, and gets messy really easily as a result. It kind of sucks because it's like I'm constantly cleaning it, no matter what I do. Hopefully I get some time during the week to do it...maybe.

Tonight I'm going to see Bruno and Year One at the drive-in. I wanted to see Year One for a while now, and I've been hearing that Bruno is pretty funny/outrageous, so it should be lots of fun. And apppparently, I'm going to Marineland tomorrow so that should be really fun as well! The Marineland trip has been in the works for a couple of years now so I'm glad I'm finally getting a chance to re-live the childhood magic.

Anyways, time to watch Big Brother <3>


11.7.09 | |

When you look at this sandwich you could question what actually goes into making it...the animal by products, the processed eggs and cheese..but why ruin it !?? Life is too short for "facts" and "nutritional information" The trick is to look past all those flashy words. I also got a coffee. This ensemble has been my breakfast for the past 3 days. I feel like the ultimate fatass, but at the same time, whatevah I'll do what I want.

I was hoping to go outside today but it kind of looks like it's going to rain. Yep, thunderstorm just rolled in out of nowhere. Seriously it took like 3 minutes to get dark and start a brewin'. I still have camping stuff to put away. Waaah and there's a few dishes that I still have to wash. I just don't want to do it. Oh well it's only 9 something.

Oh yeah yesterday I sat around in my backyard for a few hours. I'm not really that great at drawing but I felt inspired to do something since I had the materials all out. I don't even know what it is. I was in the mood to draw a swirl, and I guess life happened and resulted in this...

I was super amused by this flower. My mom did all her own growing this year and I found this one in a bed of all white ones. I'm not sure if it's a common thing or not, but I think it's cool, yeah...

bringing it back for the 10,000th time

10.7.09 | |

Why oh why am I so unmotivated when it comes to updating this thing. It's like I'll want to do it, but when it comes time to actually do it, I get distracted. I feel a big part of this is due to the horrible mess of files that are on my computer. I just deleted 25 gigs worth of stuff off my laptop just a few minutes ago. Hopefully it helps. I'm running out of excuses for my laziness.

Ok so I went camping from Sun-Wed at Pinery Provincial Park. It's off the southern part of lake Huron. The campground was pretty nice, really big, which kind of sucked because we spent a lot of time driving around, but definitely lots to do and see. Our actual campsite kind of blew because it was sandwiched between families. I don't mind families and kids and all, but these people were super campers. And all the families knew eachother so it was one big fam jam.

It was a pretty chill trip. Sunday was spent setting up and checking out the scenery. We got there pretty early and got to our campsite around 2 but the assholes that were there before us had not left yet, despite the 2pm time limit. I was getting pretty angry, especially since we drove by the site at 2 and two broads were just sitting at the picnic table chillin' and not packing their shit. Haaaa I'm pretty sure Sunday night was when we had the visitor come by. I brought this plastic container to hold all of our stuff in, well I didn't think that a raccoon could open the lid. It's like two in the morning and we wake up to these rustling/scratching noises. I take out a flashlight and notice that our marshmellows that were once located in the bin, are now at the other end of the campsite. I get out of the tent and start looking around. I couldn't see anything around me so I go back in. A few minutes later the rustling sounds return. I pop my head out of the tent and notice that the coon is now INSIDE the container. I get all papparazzi in it's face with my camera and flashing in its face, and what does the little fat ass fucker do? it starts hissing at me! At this point Christen is screaming out the tent telling me to not fuck with the coon. So it managed to get out of the bin, and ran away into the trees...and THEN WHAT DOES IT DO? It comes back a few minutes later and starts attacking the garbage bag we had hanging from the tree. This raccoon was out for a vengeance.

On Monday we hit up the beach that was located right behind our campsite. The beach was pretty awesome, despite the huge ass sand dunes we had to tread through to get to the lake. Very pretty, but not in favour of the fatty that is me. We spent a few hours on the beach, and then headed back for sausages and booze.

Tuesday morning was horrible. I woke up around 6 and it was so cold and windy I wanted to rip my face off. It also didn't help that we didn't have a mattress to sleep on. Ah, nothing like sleeping on the cold ground. I'm not even sure what we did that day, but sometime after noon the weather got a lot better and we went canoeing for a couple of hours.

Later that night, I think I ate a whole bag of marshmellows. I'm not sure what demon took over my body, but it was kind of scary. I woke up all sticky. So it wasn't the healthiest trip, but whatcha gonna do?

We hit up the No Frills in Grand Bend. Those are probably the best chips I have ever eaten, and for 99cents!

Wednesday morning brought the suck as well. We had planned to go to the beach that afternoon before it was time to check out but the skies were overcast all morning and it was freezing (surprise surprise). We were going to go and check out some of the trails, but I said screw it.

So what do you do when you're on your last leg, cold, sore, and ready to go home?You stop at the Mandarin! We took a little detour through London and decided to get some lunch. I don't think I've ever not had desert at the Mandarin, but this time I was absolutely defeated. I was on my second plate of food and I was having a really hard time with it. It was a Mandarin first.

So yeah, since Wednesday afternoon I've been hanging out at home not doing a single thing. Going back to work on Tuesday is going to suck the life right out of me. Uggggh.

I was going to post some pictures from camping but I'd have to resize them ...and I don't feel like putting in that kind of effort right now.
EDIT: ok, I did it. Taking steps forward...