3.9.09 | |

I have the worst head cold/allergies/whatever the hell this is, of life. One moment I'll be stuffed up, the next I'll be ok...then a few hours will pass and it all happens again. UGHH.

Cell pics!

So this one time, Christen and I were driving to Brampton...oh wait, no no, we THOUGHT we were driving to Brampton...but, in reality, we were driving to Scarborough. We both have a great sense of direction.

I was watching Christens' grandma's first it was going well, since I had it on a leash...then it managed to slip out of the leash and run free all over the neighbourhood. 6 hours passed and it was still frolicking around. We tried everything, well except meowing. The second I started meowing at it, it ran inside? WTF.

Steve pretending to be security. It was 3am, we were drunk. Steve was being a slushie nazi saying we had to share one. I guess it was a smart idea since we forgot about it when we got in.