12.7.09 | |

I'm in a really crappy mood today. You know those days where you just don't know where your life is going, and feel super disorganized and shitty about everything. That's me! I think I am just overwhelmed with all of the changes that are going to happen in the next two months. It's kind of scary thinking about it all.

On that note, I really really really really really really need to clean my room. I seriously have so much stuff and my room isn't big enough to hold it all, and gets messy really easily as a result. It kind of sucks because it's like I'm constantly cleaning it, no matter what I do. Hopefully I get some time during the week to do it...maybe.

Tonight I'm going to see Bruno and Year One at the drive-in. I wanted to see Year One for a while now, and I've been hearing that Bruno is pretty funny/outrageous, so it should be lots of fun. And apppparently, I'm going to Marineland tomorrow so that should be really fun as well! The Marineland trip has been in the works for a couple of years now so I'm glad I'm finally getting a chance to re-live the childhood magic.

Anyways, time to watch Big Brother <3>